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Spanish Colonization of the Philippines

Was the colonization by the Spanish Conquistadors a benefit for the Philippine Society?


The Philippines was under the Spanish ruling for 377 years. The influence of the Spanish upon the natives during this extensive period was profound. Every aspect of their society, politics, religion and culture revolutionize irrevocably. The content of this essay will include the varying opinions of sources that concern the colonizing of the Philippines by the Spanish empire from 16th March 1521.

This essay will address the question analyzing the context of which the source was composed. By examining imbalances of perspectives, the question can then be answered through the validity of available sources. That is, a viable and accurate answer can be deduced through the sources. In order to answer the focus question, this essay will “redress the imbalance” of the sources that are utilized. With references to primary sources such as Jose Rizal’s book “Noli Me Tangere...

Posted by: Amy Hetzel

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