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Glances at Duct Tape

1. eBay item #1563095928
**Brand new DVD**Factor Sealed** Stars: Steve Smith, Patrick McKenna, Bob Bainborough, Wayne Robson, Jeff Lumby, Mellisa DiMarco, Darren Frost, Ronnie Hawkins, Roger Abbott, Luba Goy, Don Ferguson.
Big Shot Executive Robert Stiles’ car is damaged when parked at the lodge. Stiles takes Red Green and members to court, forcing him to come up with $10,000 in ten days, or lose his beloved Possum Lodge. Red and his clan embark on a cross-country trip, en route to a Duct Tape Festival, where they intend to win first prize by making a sculpture of at least 50% duct tape.

2. Not to try at Home
For the last six summers, my uncle has dedicated himself to the science of out door grilling. There is only one thing that complicates his passion. Uncle George lives on the 4th floor of his San Francisco apartment. For most people, this would not be an issue. “You could just go ...

Posted by: Arianna Escobar

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