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Curchill and Hitler : A Comparison

Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler
Winston Churchill and Adolf Hitler are two of the most recognizable names in history, and for good reason. They were each a leader of a great nation, nations that came head to head in World War II, and each had the faith and trust of their countrymen behind them. Churchill and Hitler were not similar in many ways, but they were both great orators and for each of them, it was this gift that took them to such great heights.
On May 10, 1940 Winston Churchill became the Prime Minister of England, following the resignation of Neville Chamberlain. He came to this position in a time when his country was facing war with Germany, and they looked to Churchill to guide them through this time. Churchill was an accomplished military leader, and his never give up attitude became famous throughout the world. He was easily recognized by his signature cigar and bow tie, and that was no coincidence. As a political leader, he understood that part of the job wa...

Posted by: William Katz

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