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British burns down white house

Thang Doan
5th Period
Innovative Aviation Technology

On December 13, 1903, the Wright Brothers took off, covering a hundred and twenty feet in twelve seconds, it became the first successful, controlled, powered, man-made flight. This was the spark of aviation technology. After testing their second and third flyers, the distance and speed increased. It proved the power of flight will be a great asset to mankind and it will substantially evolve in the future.
Otto Lilienthal had always dreamed of flying. He was a crazy birdman, a genius and an inspiration to few. In 1860s, Lilienthal had studied young storks learning how to fly and tried to imitate them by creating wings and flapping his arms. He made several gliders out of light willow wand and cotton fabric. Lilienthal position himself in the center of the wings, with his feet touching the floor, then runs downhill to the wind, catching an upward air current, and slowly soar up into the air. He managed to rea...

Posted by: Justin Rech

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