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Alienation uncovered

This study examined a subtype of teenagers- high school students (N= 40) and their alienation from society. The various aspects and reasons of alienation within teenagers were determined from their self-assessments in the form of completing a survey. The students perceived themselves as feeling left out blaming mainly their hectic schedule that prevents other social interactions. However, responses to specific questions in the survey showed that the main reasons for this alienation were extreme competition and materialistic goals; personal reasons somewhat played a role too. These findings are similar to past research papers suggesting that the major causes of teen alienation has more to do with coping with the competition and fulfilling materialistic goals as opposed to their personal choices of isolating themselves.

Alienation, also referred to as social isolation, is a lack of connectedness or a clinical disease causing depression and loneliness and has been a key area of in...

Posted by: Rainey Day

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