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Alice in Wonderland

The inventive world of Wonderland and Alice’s journey in to her own imagination is more then merely a children’s story. Looking deep at the symbols and structure of the story one can see that it becomes more complex and abstract as Alice gets deeper and deeper in her journey in Wonderland. Lewis Carol wrote the book in 1876 and Disney produced its own animated version of Alice in Wonderland no more then twenty years ago. The Disney production aimed at a younger audience, shows Wonderland as a very colourful and vibrant place, full of flowers, trees and a majestic garden of wonder and glory. Although Disney is successful at doing that, it fails in showing the hidden aspects of the story, the aspects of the novel that need to be dug into to comprehend. This is most likely because it was aimed a younger audience.
The symbolism that is used helps to create a deeper understanding of the true meaning of the story. When just watching or reading the story one may think that from th...

Posted by: Jack Drewes

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