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A Clash of Cultures


The clash of cultures between skiers and snowboarders has brought about many new problems to the United States ski-industry. Resorts and local skiing mountains have to start looking at ways to maintain stability within the industry while not altering the sense of freedom that both skiers and snowboarders obtain from their activities.

The United States ski-industry has begun to see an increase in popularity in general, but there have been some negatives. James C. Makens writes about the quarrel between skiers and snowboarders in many aspects, but focuses mainly on the challenge that ski resorts and the ski-industry have to face. The article written by Makens entitled, "A Ski-industry challenge," explains the main points of conflict between these similar activities and the lifestyles that surround them.
The basis of this article is to bring attention to a changing market that must be attended to soon or else th...

Posted by: Alyscia Yellowman

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